George Pinches
Great Governance Sustains and Protects Strategy – The Board own the process; the members own the result.

As a private club GM/COO, George managed five clubs in three Canadian provinces- including Hamilton Golf & CC, Point Grey Golf & CC, Royal Mayfair Golf Club and The Royal Glenora Club.
George was also actively involved with both the Canadian Society of Club Managers (CSCM) and the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA). He served as President of two branches, was National President and a session leader as well as a guest speaker at branch, national and international industry events. In 2007, George was recognized as the Score Golf Manager of the Year.
George studies governance in private clubs and considers the ability to work with boards and committees a key success factor. He views governance as a collaborative process that can be productive for all concerned. His understanding of private clubs and club governance make him an ideal facilitator for Board Retreats.
George is also actively involved in GGA’s Executive Search practice, using his vast knowledge of organizing and leading success teams to find the ideal candidate to lead a private club, golf course or resort property.
George previously taught in the Golf Management Program at Grant McEwen University in Edmonton. He currently instructs Golf Club Governance in the Business of Golf and Resort Management Program for McMaster University and for the PGA of Canada Training Academy. He has taught sections of the Business Management Institute (BMI) courses, a certification requirement for CMAA.