How to Develop an Enviable (and Profitable) Events Calendar
A thriving events calendar, if delivered well, can propel member satisfaction and loyalty to new levels. But first you need to understand what works, and how to measure event […] Boosting Your Club’s Brand Through EventsSustaining a lively events calendar can be challenging – on a practical level, operational level and commercial level. However, even though they may not always pay their way, […] GGA to Offer Sophisticated Electronic Voting Services to Private ClubsExclusive partnership with Simply Voting provides private clubs access to a secure online voting platform for club elections. Global Golf Advisors (GGA) and Simply Voting have […] Is Your Club Relevant?If your club is relevant, it is closely connected to members’ lifestyles and appropriate to their wants and needs. But how do you determine if your club really is relevant? […] Inspiring Member IntroductionsNew members can be difficult to come by, especially during times of economic turbulence. But your existing core membership can hold the key to unlocking a wave of new members. […] Become an Employer of ChoiceThe order of the day went straight to the point: “England expects that every man will do his duty.” In the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, one of England’s more decisive naval […] Community… and How To Build ItA member’s relationship with your club will feel infinitely more connected, more substantial and more emotional if they are part of a community. But how do you create a community […] Make Time for Strategic ThinkingDo executives at your club know what a strategic plan really is? Club executives often confuse a strategic plan with a master plan, a capital expense budget or standard operating […] Grasshoppers, Water, and the Golf BusinessBeginning in June 1874, a swarm of grasshoppers dense enough to block the sun’s rays – so copious that you could scoop them up with shovels – descended on the drought-ravaged […] 3 Attributes of an Outstanding Club ManagerWhat does it take to be an outstanding club manager? And for clubs seeking to fill this role, what attributes should they be looking for? GGA’s new Executive Search Director, […]