Looking Outside the Boardroom

Board members are an important source of experience and knowledge. But when making strategic decisions on the future direction of the club, that expertise can easily be hampered by […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/07/looking-outside-boardroom/ The Dreaded C-Word

Let’s face it: soliciting independent, expert advice can sometimes be felt as an admission of inadequacy. However, the power of a third-party evaluation is something that can […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/07/dreaded-c-word/ Substance Over Style

In the old west, big talkers who didn’t deliver on what they promised were described as “All hat and no cattle.” Simply put: more image than substance. None of us wants to be […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/06/substance-over-style/ How to Embrace Emerging Club Technology

In a market brimming with new technology solutions that could revolutionize the way you run a club, GGA Partner, Derek Johnston, reveals how your club can embrace these […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/06/embrace-emerging-club-technology/ Using Technology to Your Operational Advantage

In what ways are clubs realizing operational gains through new technology solutions? GGA’s Martin Tzankov outlines the solutions helping clubs to reduce costs and enhance the […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/06/using-technology-operational-advantage/ What Works on Social?

The most popular channel may change over time, but the social media momentum continues to grow. For some clubs it can be difficult to know what to post, when and how often. We […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/06/what-works-on-social/ Celebrating Client Success in Transaction Advisory

Handling complex club transactions can be challenging and, in many ways, celebrating the success of your clients can feel equally challenging and at times unnatural. For all the […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/05/celebrating-client-success-transaction-advisory/ Covering Isn’t Just For Music

The inimitable Elvis Presley’s version of Hound Dog sold 10 million copies and holds the 19th spot on Rolling Stone’s list of 500 Best Songs of All Time. But the King of Rock […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/05/covering-isnt-just-music/ 2019 Millennial Golf Industry Survey Findings – Part 8

In ongoing research collaboration with Millennial golfer organization Nextgengolf, GGA recently updated its study of the habits, attitudes, and preferences of Millennial […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/05/2019-millennial-golf-industry-survey-findings-part-8/ Avoiding a Category Overload

When was the last time you conducted a thorough review into your membership categories? GGA’s Bennett DeLozier explains how a streamlining process can help to slim down the […]
