Polish Your Skills
Of all the career counseling advice given over the years, Abraham Lincoln probably nailed it when he said: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” With one more […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/polish-skills/ GGA and the CSCM Partner to Enhance Research and ImpactGlobal Golf Advisors (GGA) and the Canadian Society of Club Managers Partner to Enhance Research and Impact GGA recognized as Platinum Corporate Partner of the CSCM TORONTO, […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/gga-cscm-partner-enhance-research-impact/ Harnessing the Power of Strategic IntelligenceWhen a club undergoes a strategic planning event, they do so by assessing a number of key data sets: member preferences, club operations, finances and market forces. All of these […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/harnessing-power-strategic-intelligence/ Strategic Intelligence at WorkGuest author – Lonnie Lister, General Manager, Portland Golf Club Lonnie Lister attended the University of Arizona for a degree in music education. He worked on the wait staff […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/strategic-intelligence-work/ Averting SurprisesOn the west coast of Scotland, between the islands of Jura and Scarba, lurks a monstrous whirlpool so menacing that it even has its own name. Fed by a tidal surge that picks up […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/avert-surprise/ Strategic Intelligence Overview: Part 2 of 3Clubs are beginning to discover the power of utilizing data to operate more strategically (see “Strategic Intelligence Part One,” September 2018). While enterprise grade […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/strategic-intelligence-overview-part-2-of-3/ GGA and Bigwin Realty Announce Transaction Advisory PartnershipTORONTO, ONTARIO – October 1, 2018 Global Golf Advisors Inc. (“GGA”) and Bigwin Realty Inc. (“Bigwin Realty”) are pleased to announce the formation of a new […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/10/gga-bigwin-realty-transaction-partnership/ Board Self-AssessmentFollowing board room performance standards now in use at most corporations, enables private club boards to improve their performance and the job satisfaction from their board […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/09/board-self-assessment/ Hard TimesIn his award-winning description of the Dust Bowl years, author Timothy Egan tells the story of a land without adequate water for crops and the soul-suffocating consequences of […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/09/hard-times/ Strategic Intelligence Overview: Part 1 of 3As the world becomes more data centric, the club industry is beginning to discover the power of utilizing data, research and analysis to operate more intelligently and […]