Effective Board Orientation

Good beginnings create a sound future. A challenge in many private clubs is that every year is a “new beginning” as new board members are seated and outward-bound […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/10/effective-board-orientation/ Innovation…the Key to Success in Private Clubs

No stranger to innovation, Bob Dylan recorded “Like a Rolling Stone” in early summer of 1965 causing Bruce Springsteen to say of the first time he heard it, “[it] sounded […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/09/innovation-the-key-to-success-in-private-clubs/ Where Governance & Strategy Converge

Peter Drucker famously advised, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” And he was correct. In a private club “culture” is governance. Club leaders do well to place […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/09/where-governance-and-strategy-converge/ Hustling to Restore Hogan’s Alley

Imagine how the architects who were commissioned to restore the Notre-Dame Cathedral to its original magnificence felt in 2021 when awarded the project and given an ambitious […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/07/hustling-to-restore-hogans-alley/ 3 Steps for Successful Member Retention

In a recent study of the 4,000-plus private clubs in North America, GGA Partners™ found that almost nine in 10 clubs are full and experiencing significant wait-list growth. […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/07/3-steps-for-successful-member-retentionboards/ 4 Priorities for Private Club Boards

“When the ox is in the ditch, there is much work to be done.” In most private clubs, the “ox” is a troubling or confounding situation that could – or should – have […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/05/4-priorities-for-private-club-boardsased-strategy-planning/ 3 Keys to Consensus Based Strategy Planning

Private clubs operate within a unique ecosystem where member satisfaction, financial sustainability, and strategic foresight intersect. To navigate this complex landscape […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/05/3-keys-to-consensus-based-strategic-planningcmac-partnership-continues-2/ The Art of Influence – Executive Presence in the Boardroom

What do people think when you walk into a room, open your mouth to speak, or engage with others? Are they excited for what is about to happen? How do they see you, and how do they […]

https://ggapartners.com/2023/04/art-of-influence-exective-presence/ GGA Partners 2022 Outlook

As we near the two-year mark of the pandemic, global economies have rebounded from the volatility of mid-2020 and 2021. Yet, private clubs, resorts, golf courses and residential […]

https://ggapartners.com/2022/02/2022-outlook/ Mid-Year Predictions for the Second Half of 2021

At the start of the new year and in the spirit of planning, the thought leaders at GGA Partners sat down to predict what we believed to be coming throughout the year and shared our […]
