4 Priorities for Private Club Boards

“When the ox is in the ditch, there is much work to be done.” In most private clubs, the “ox” is a troubling or confounding situation that could – or should – have […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/05/4-priorities-for-private-club-boardsased-strategy-planning/ Addressing Board Transparency

ADDRESSING TRANSPARENCY THREE FACTORS CRITICAL TO HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PRIVATE CLUB BOARDS As society becomes more open and increasingly skeptical, club members demand greater […]

https://ggapartners.com/2024/04/addressing-board-transparency/ Next Generation Thinking

The wheelhouse is one’s area of interest or expertise. Or, in baseball, the area in which it’s easiest for the batter to hit the ball with the most power. Or, in nautical […]

https://ggapartners.com/2023/09/next-generation-thinking/ Between Members and Governance: Member Discipline Today

The call went something like this: “We need your advice in a disciplinary matter here at the club. It seems that one of our members was making offensive statements when a fellow […]

https://ggapartners.com/2023/08/member-discipline-club-governance/ What Do Members Want?

Some club leaders believe that it is a fool’s mission to try to understand what members want. In fact, it is quite simple…you need to ask members what they want. Michael […]

https://ggapartners.com/2023/03/what-do-members-want/ Whitepaper: Unlocking the Strategic Power of Member Feedback

This GGA Partners whitepaper discusses new approaches to understanding private club members. By re-imagining the potential of member feedback and charting a path towards maximizing […]

https://ggapartners.com/2022/01/unlocking-the-strategic-power-of-member-feedback/ Staying Sharp

In his business leadership bestseller, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey talks about the need to balance productivity and effectiveness in order to […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/03/staying-sharp/ Board Self-Assessment: 5 Steps to Evaluate Your Performance

Effective boards set goals and work to achieve them.  The best, top-performing boards execute an annual self-assessment of their performance.  This is the time of year to […]

https://ggapartners.com/2019/01/board-self-assessment-5-steps-evaluate-performance/ Make Grit a Habit

In the 2010 remake of True Grit, Arkansas farm girl Mattie Ross sets out on a quest to track down her father’s murderer. Knowing her journey will take her over tough terrain and […]

https://ggapartners.com/2018/08/true-grit/ Agronomic Planning – Avoid Canine Brunch

Those who know our firm are aware of the value we place on plans that focus resources and actions against strategic goals and objectives. But too often our plans turn into […]
