5 Tips for “Yes” in Your Capital Call Communications
People fear change when they don’t understand the reason for it. And when they don’t understand the reason, they resist it. In our work related to capital investment […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/04/5-tips-yes-capital-call-communications/ The Art of Influence – Executive Presence in the BoardroomWhat do people think when you walk into a room, open your mouth to speak, or engage with others? Are they excited for what is about to happen? How do they see you, and how do they […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/04/art-of-influence-exective-presence/ Inflationary Impacts on BudgetingSince 2012, the Federal Reserve has targeted a 2% inflation rate for the US economy; however, recent inflation rates are currently hovering closer to 6%, after averaging 8% in […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/04/inflationary-impacts-budgeting/ Online Voting, ExplainedThe Covid-19 pandemic accelerated digitization across many sectors, inspiring many to wonder: why didn’t we do things in this way before? This is indeed the case for electronic […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/04/online-voting-explained/ What Do Members Want?Some club leaders believe that it is a fool’s mission to try to understand what members want. In fact, it is quite simple…you need to ask members what they want. Michael […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/03/what-do-members-want/ GGA Partners Joins ClubWorks’ Network of ExcellenceClubWorks adds world-class management consulting firm to its platform of best-in-class companies, and expands its strategic leadership team with the acquisition of GGA Partners. […]
https://ggapartners.com/2023/03/gga-partners-joins-clubworks-network-excellence/ An Anatomy of Two CommitteesOf all the club committees, none is more important that the nominating committee and none is less important than the executive committee. You may think it a radical thought, but […]
https://ggapartners.com/2022/09/anatomy-two-committees/ Corporate Policies and Best Practices for Proper Club Committee AlignmentMore and more, private clubs are looking to corporations for policies and best practices in governance. For example, private clubs have realized the benefits of modeling the […]
https://ggapartners.com/2022/09/corporate-policies-best-practices-club-committee-alignment/ Key Metrics for Effective Management of Gen ZGeneration Z (Gen Z), representing those born between 1996 and 2010, is quickly graduating from “children of members” to Junior and Young Executive membership categories in […]
https://ggapartners.com/2022/09/metrics-effective-management-gen-z/ The Conversations That Shape Business ResultsEvery club manager understands the value of effective conversations, with members, guests, employees, Boards and other stakeholders. Equally as important, is how the club […]