What’s Important to Know About Recruiting Millennials to Join the Club?
Occam’s Razor is the work of a Franciscan friar and theologian, William of Ockham, who reasoned that itis better to keep things simple when attempting to understand complicated […]
https://ggapartners.com/2019/01/whats-important-know-recruiting-millennials-join-club/ Board Self-Assessment: 5 Steps to Evaluate Your PerformanceEffective boards set goals and work to achieve them. The best, top-performing boards execute an annual self-assessment of their performance. This is the time of year to […]
https://ggapartners.com/2019/01/board-self-assessment-5-steps-evaluate-performance/ Time to Deliver an Unforgettable ExperienceToday, many club members are less inclined to splurge on a new set of clubs and more likely to allocate their time and money to sharing an experience with their friends and family. […]
https://ggapartners.com/2019/01/time-deliver-unforgettable-experience/ Selling ExperiencesDoes your club tap into the value of members’ experiences? Engaging with the experience economy is the fastest-growing method of marketing services, and it will shape the […]
https://ggapartners.com/2019/01/selling-experiences/ Becoming a DestinationFor 80%* of members and visitors, the golf course is the aspect of a club they hold most dear. It is pivotal to the club’s reputation. However, when we imagine a ‘golf […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/12/becoming-a-destination/ GGA and the CSCM Launch First of Two Research InitiativesThe Canadian Society of Club Managers (CSCM) and GGA have formed a strategic partnership to produce research and insight for the benefit of CSCM members and the club industry at […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/12/gga-cscm-launch/ Strategic Intelligence Overview: Part 3 of 3Top performing clubs around the world are finding newer, faster and more efficient ways to leverage business intelligence and create competitive advantages for their clubs. The […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/11/strategic-intelligence-overview-part-3-3/ Key Benchmarking Standards in the Golf IndustryHow to Leverage the Information to Improve Operations Benchmarking standards are commonplace in most industries. These standards are set and updated based on defined and evolving […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/11/golf-benchmarking-standards/ Budgeting 2019Budgeting for 2019 requires a broader-than-usual alertness to changing times and impacts on golf-oriented businesses. Newfound elasticity on revenue sources, such as dues and fees, […]
https://ggapartners.com/2018/11/budgeting-2019/ On MessageAs a business, it’s important to step back at times and ask yourself the question: who am I talking to? When it comes to local marketing, clubs can easily get caught up in […]