Communications Planning

Communications Planning

“”The medium is the message.” – Marshall McLuhan


Knowing that brands are stories, GGA Partners uses a research-driven approach to enhance the accuracy and efficacy of our client’s storytelling capabilities.

“Communication in our club is poor.” A phrase that is commonplace in surveys and focus groups we run on behalf of clients – often despite the best efforts of club and community leaders to improve communications in their organizations.

As much as we would like to prescribe a formula that is guaranteed to improve member or customer relations, the reality is that the communications world evolves continuously, including the ways members consume and exchange information, and the platforms on which they do so.

At GGA Partners, made-to-measure research and deliberate planning underpin our approach to communications services. We use data-driven insights and our keen understanding of golf, club, and leisure businesses to help our clients build relationships with their customers, their membership, employees, media, and other stakeholders in a way that drives value for their business. Most critically, we encourage measurable tactics through which a management team can monitor returns and constantly evolve their approach in order to secure enhanced value.

Our Services

Brand Audits
Brand Strategy
Brand Development
Website Audits
Communications Planning
Capital Call Communications
Content Creation
Social Media Strategy

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