Effective Board Orientation

Good beginnings create a sound future. A challenge in many private clubs is that every year is a “new beginning” as new board members are seated and outward-bound servant leaders are replaced. Four important considerations will make leadership transition more effective and favorably impactful at your club.

Plan and implement board orientation earnestly
Most new board members consider themselves well-versed in governance, strategy, finance and leadership, which is good as these are the cornerstones of effective club governance.

The catch is that most board members—especially in these skeptical and conflicted times—bring certain baggage with them into the boardroom. One of the most important first steps when new board members are empaneled, is to confirm shared and basic understandings, such as:

Boardroom confidentiality is essential to trust within the board and beyond. Most private club boards follow established corporate board practices requiring all board members to execute confidentiality and nondisclosure commitments. A growing audience of club boards now imposes dismissal from the board when confidential information is leaked from the boardroom.

Conflicts of interest—as is common in corporate America—are carefully monitored and not permitted in top-performing boards. Annual renewals of non-conflict statements are common practice.

Review and understand the club’s governing documents—bylaws, rules, and board policies manual—to ensure that all board members understand the club and the gravity of their duties.

Confirm the club’s strategic priorities
Most clubs have developed a strategic plan, which is an overarching plan of action for the business of the club, in addition to such important strategic components as the (a) master facility plan, (b) capital maintenance budget (replacing existing assets), and (c) capital improvement budget (adding new amenities). The fact is that one of the primary duties of a board is to attend to the financial well-being of the club by focusing on the balance sheet.

An advanced understanding of the club’s goals and objectives requires focused one-on-one discussions with the board chair and new board members—if not all board members. This step should be a priority before the first board meeting.

Charter committees with great intention
Committee charters are the job description that guides the work of club committees by providing structure and an understanding of what the committee is—and is not—to do. Excellent examples of committee charters are readily available.

Among the most frequent mistakes made by most board committees are (a) much ado about nothing while accomplishing very little of the strategic priorities, (b) executing personal agenda items rather than strategic goals and objectives, and (c) inadequate reporting vertically to the club board and horizontally to other board committees.

The current best practice standard includes committees for finance, nominations, and audit. Committees for golf, greens, tennis and house are now identified as operating committees and are guided by the club’s manager/CEO.

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate
The most frequent complaint among ordinary private club members is, “Communication around here stinks.” In these skeptical times, club members doubt their boards’ dedication, capabilities, and successful performance in the absence of a steady flow of relevant board communications.

Members are eager to know what the club is doing. And, in the absence of effective board communications, tend to fill in the blanks of unexplained and inadequate results.

The most effective club communications are characterized by (a) redundant messaging to ensure that most members receive primary messaging from the board; (b) multiple media usage to address the broad generational spectrum present in most clubs today, and (c) personalized communications which address topics that are most interesting to each member and reducing the flow-through of communications about club activities that are not of interest to particular members.

The best-performing club boards take club governance seriously, and the transfer of leadership within the club is mission-critical to the club’s future.

This article was written by GGA Partner Henry DeLozier and appeared in the October 19, 2024 edition of BoardRoom Briefs.


Innovation…the Key to Success in Private Clubs

No stranger to innovation, Bob Dylan recorded “Like a Rolling Stone” in early summer of 1965 causing Bruce Springsteen to say of the first time he heard it, “[it] sounded like somebody’d kicked open the door to your mind.” The song was innovative and wildly admired in numerous ways and changed popular music for years to come. Innovation seldom comes in such a lightning bolt.

In the wake of a once-in-a-century event like the coronavirus pandemic, what innovations has your club introduced? Some of the most interesting innovations tie to the growing capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) where performance diagnostics for golf and tennis; where applications of technology are enabling more seamless facial recognition which enable club personnel to eliminate the confounding “what is your number” question; and where advanced cybersecurity can protect private club members’ identities and confidential information. The possibilities are like a rolling stone.Three innovations worthy of consideration for your club:

1. Performance Enhancement Capabilities – One golf swing analysis chamber is not enough, as most clubs have found. Then, two are found to be lacking in most clubs and only when clubs commit to making athletic performance facilities a central feature in their approach to innovation do they prosper.

The reasons most often found in clubs taking this big step are three-fold:

Enthusiastic users are seen by other members as “hogging” the new amenity and, thus reducing others’ enjoyment or experimentation.

The social enjoyment, where groups of golf or tennis enthusiasts gather for informal “leagues” during off-season and inclement weather conditions. The blend of athletic, competitive, social seems to be popular with club members.

The pressure on club boards to find new and interesting activities escalates with each advancement.

Golf training and swing analysis capabilities are exceedingly popular. Bear in mind that a tennis stroke can be analyzed if a golf swing can be. And then, there will be pickleball.

2. Personnel Development Methods –Many club leaders are answering questions about the quality of member services and innovative managers are turning to new-found programs and resources for teaching service capabilities to a higher and more consistent levels.

“To effectively shape training and development initiatives, it’s crucial to incorporate the employee experience,” says Eric Hutchison, PhD, Director at GGA Partners. “Leveraging new technologies alongside established knowledge has unlocked a vast array of training possibilities for enhancing upscale member services.”

How does it feel to be on your own when capabilities are building all around?

3. Emotion-Based Member Activities – Members join clubs for many reasons. Eric Brey, PhD, another Director at GGA Partners, reports, “Club members indicate they are most satisfied with the emotional value they receive from their membership. This value is created from the feelings they have toward their membership.”

Socialization – The desire to interact with friends and family dominates this point of emphasis. Part of the human condition, socialization is one of the basic needs clubs serve.

One of the most impactful innovations in clubs has been the growth of open-air or al fresco dining experiences that emerged responding to Covid-period social distancing guidelines. From this concept, some clubs are capitalizing on open-air member events like a Sunday afternoon picnic which underscores all members desire for a safe setting for activities which bring friends and families together.

Personalized Service – Many members want to be recognized and treated as “special” as part of feeling comfortable at their club. Clubs that provide personal recognition – like being called by name without prompting – fulfill this need of many members.

Wine programs where members’ names are attached to their own bin filled with wines chosen for them. Next-generation ideas emerging bring forward bespoke menus for small member gatherings…think of a catered event on a smaller scale of 10 to 20 members per event.

Who wants to be a complete unknown with no direction home?

Innovation in private clubs is emerging as a platform for market differentiation and competitive advantage. Club leaders who recognize these opportunities provide valuable opportunities for their clubs’ service to members’ needs.

GGA Partner Henry DeLozier penned this article.

CMAA Strategic Planning Workshop


Produced in collaboration with the Club Management Association of America, GGA Partners hosted a half-day workshop to start the 2024 World Conference & Business Expo.

The workshop, designed by GGA Director Dr. Eric Brey, Ph.D., highlighted the elements required to create a strategic plan, including understanding the membership, an operations review, the impact of the external environment and the financial position of the organization. Following that discussion, those in attendance participated in a series of case-study scenarios involving collaborative efforts to find solutions and a review by the GGA team of best practices.

View the Presentation


For further information, contact:

Dr. Eric Brey, Ph.D.
GGA Partners
t: 715.505.7716
e: eric.brey@ggapartners.com
