Member Satisfaction Trends & the Importance of Continuous Measurement

Club leaders generally have a strong pulse on the strengths and weaknesses of the member experience at their club. But given the amount of direct member feedback that Club Managers receive and the presence of vocal minorities at every club, it can be difficult to prioritize the needs of the silent majority.  

GGA has the opportunity to facilitate many private club surveys that collect ongoing feedback from tens of thousands of members each year. In doing so, common trends in member satisfaction begin to reveal themselves, and an understanding of what lies beneath the general satisfaction feedback.  

That is why formal member surveys are essential to help club leaders gain a deeper understanding of member satisfaction at their club. We recently released the results of our annual Club Leader’s Perspective industry survey, a 2023 update on pressing needs in club management, including emerging trends, challenges and needs heading into a new year. The feedback from 230 club leaders across the industry uncovered some interesting insights regarding member satisfaction: 

Those who do not measure satisfaction through a survey were more likely to be optimistic about satisfaction levels at their club – 42% of responding club leaders surveyed their members over the past year. Of that cohort, 61% measured an overall increase in satisfaction. In contrast, 74% of the audience that did not measure satisfaction perceived an increase. 

Across our client sample of satisfaction surveys, we observed a relatively flat overall satisfaction trend this past year, and we believe it is unlikely that 3 in 4 clubs this past year experienced improved levels of member satisfaction. As an overall trend, we observed satisfaction levels in 2022 remain slightly elevated from pre-pandemic levels but relatively consistent with 2021. The one area that we noticed a common decrease in satisfaction was food and beverage operations, often driven by low scores in menu variety/selection and service consistency.  

Only 16% of club leaders believe they are facing new and significant challenges related to their membership at their club. 

We were surprised to see ‘membership’ lower in terms of creating new challenges for club leaders. Given the high turnover and member growth that many clubs incurred during the pandemic, we are starting to observe ‘generational divide’ challenges emerge as a strategic issue for many clubs, specifically preserving culture and assimilating new and old generations of members. Member surveys provide great value in mitigating this issue by clearly delineating the key differences and commonalities in wants, needs and priorities for different generations. 

For the club leaders who measured satisfaction, they found older generations to be harder to satisfy than new generations, which is consistent with what GGA has observed the past year. Club leaders who did not quantitively measure satisfaction displayed a more balanced perception of the difficulty of satisfying each generation.  

Club leaders who surveyed their members were also more likely to have increased their membership size in 2022 (or waitlist), and more likely to have deployed an adjustable capacity for membership based on activity access and utilization (rather than a pre-determined rigid cap from the bylaws). Intuitively, this makes sense as regular member feedback can provide club leaders with the confidence to optimize usage at the club, satisfaction with access, and ultimately identify opportunities to increase members or member usage.  

From a membership perspective, the industry remains in a position of strength, with a growing number of waitlisted clubs and member feedback that suggests low attrition risk due to current satisfaction levels. But developing and maintaining a deep understanding of member satisfaction at a private club should not be a cyclical exercise. It requires consistent and ongoing measurement. In high times, like the present, this allows you to optimize members and usage, maintain competitive strengths and foresee any future satisfaction risks like the challenge of bridging a harmonious culture across multiple generations. In down-times, it can provide a valuable roadmap and priority list to address weaknesses and focus on the elements of the member experience that will move the needle the most in terms of restoring satisfaction and retention.  

Connect with the authors:
Ben Hopkinson, Director

James Stumpo, Senior Associate

Know Your NPS to Build Brand Loyalty & Member Referrals

In our work with clients across the globe, our research reveals that member referrals are the most important means of generating a steady stream of new prospects, which is probably not surprising.  After all, the cost is nominal and you can be assured that members are going to invite prospects with a shared passion for the lifestyle provided by your club.

The most effective method to gain member referrals is to ask for them. But before you do, it is critical to understand your NPS – or Net Promoter Score – to determine the response you will receive.

NPS is an extremely valuable market research metric that is widely used across industries and can be leveraged to measure customer perceptions of a brand and estimate future growth, as evidenced by the potential for repurchase or referral to other consumers.

NPS Is Not the Same as Member Satisfaction

Member NPS is not the same as your members’ overall satisfaction with their club experience.  NPS asks about the likelihood of recommending or referring the club to others while overall satisfaction asks about contentment with their experience.

In short, NPS is future-looking and overall satisfaction is backward-facing.

NPS Is Simple to Implement

NPS, originally a proprietary instrument used by Bain & Company, is now used by two-thirds of the Fortune 1000 companies as a basic measurement of customer sentiment.

The popularity and broad use of NPS is often attributed to its simplicity and transparency of use.  It is a survey question which asks, “How likely are you to recommend [brand, product, service, company, or organization] to a friend or associate?” The question is designed to provide responses which are easy to interpret and track over time in trend analysis.

NPS generates valuable customer insights and is typically used and interpreted as an indicator of customer loyalty.  This information is invaluable for business and community leaders who are responsible for measuring and managing revenue retention, customer retention, new business growth, or overall consumer satisfaction.

Despite the ubiquity of NPS among leading companies in major industries, the adoption and consistent application of this metric within the club industry remains limited.

A recent GGA Partners research survey of more than 500 club leaders (A Club Leader’s Perspective: Emerging Trends & Challenges) found that just 14% of clubs track member NPS in their surveys.  Among clubs that employ this metric, the average NPS is +64.  Additional feedback from the survey found that one-third of clubs reported an increase in their NPS during the pandemic, a positive statistic for future member growth.

Calculating Your NPS

The NPS question is asked on a scale ranging from 0 to 10, with 0 representing “Not at all likely” and 10 representing “Extremely likely”.  Based on the number selected, respondents are subdivided into one of three categories: those with ratings of 9 or 10 are classified as “Promoters”, those with ratings of 7 or 8 are marked as “Passives”, and those with ratings of 6 or less are categorized as “Detractors”.

The actual “score” is calculated by subtracting the portion of detractors from the portion of promoters without factoring in the portion of passives.  True NPS is always shown as an integer and not a percentage and, with the net score falling within a scale ranging from -100 to +100, it is possible to have a negative NPS.

Keys To Developing & Tracking Your NPS

1. Keep the NPS question consistent – Avoid altering the question (“How likely are you to recommend [your club] to a friend or associate?”) or the answer range (from 0 = “Not at all likely” to 10 = “Extremely likely”) as it will impact the validity and reliability of the data.

2. Ask for NPS alongside a handful of supporting questions – NPS is most valuable when supported by other overarching questions which generate datapoints on overall satisfaction, perceived value-for-money, and demographic questions (to stratify responses and dive deep into feedback by membership subsets).

3. Keep it brief – A survey with these three questions (NPS, overall satisfaction, value-for-money) and four or five demographic questions should take about 3-4 minutes for respondents to complete. Shorter is better for these types of surveys.

4. Measure NPS routinely – At a minimum, your NPS metrics should be tracked and updated annually to identify changes in the sentiments of your members. Whether they are rising or falling, understanding the factors impacting changes in your trend line will provide valuable insight into areas where the club is excelling as well as areas that need improvement.

If your club aims to be truly attentive to overall satisfaction, member loyalty, member and customer retention, or using member referrals to support membership growth, leaders of the club should be monitoring NPS as a matter of routine.  If this acronym isn’t surfacing in boardroom discussions, it should be.

While no one can predict the future, a clear understanding of your NPS will provide a data-driven indication of members’ loyalty to your club’s brand and the success you will have when asking your members for referrals.

Webinar: Member Surveys in Uncertain Times

This webinar continues a series of communications from GGA Partners to help private club leaders address challenges confronting their businesses and their employees as a result of the global health crisis. Whether your club is operational or waiting to return to business as usual, now is a crucial time to keep members engaged.

Leverage Surveys to Engage Members During COVID-19

Last week, MemberInsight – a Jonas Club Software company, and the industry-leading member survey platform – together with GGA Partners co-hosted a webinar to discuss the power of member surveys in the time of COVID-19 and how clubs, regardless of their survey platform of choice, can better utilize members surveys during this difficult time.

“Many clubs send member surveys as a regular part of conducting business.” Said Trevor Coughlan, Vice President of Marketing at Jonas Club Software. “The problem is, many clubs only send them annually, and they think about surveying in a linear fashion – capital & long term planning. I believe surveys relevant to the moment and the action taken as a result of them have the opportunity to invigorate the way members feel about a club and its staff. There is no better time for clubs to be stepping into action than now which is why we are proud to make our platform available at no charge for three months.”

“In the current environment staying connected with members is a real challenge, but it’s more important than ever,” explained Michael Gregory, a Partner at GGA Partners. “Surveys are a tool all clubs can be using to stay engaged with their members, to capture important feedback, and to provide a level of comfort to members knowing their club is working hard to come out of this stronger and more capable of meeting their needs, wants and expectations.”

Webinar Playback

The webinar presented the MemberInsight feature set, the science behind survey based communications, and specific examples of surveys clubs can put into action as they remain committed to serving their members.

If you’d like to share the webinar recording with a colleague or watch it again please view the video below.


Survey Templates

GGA Partners has provided 5 complimentary survey templates. Download the templates below and use them to give your members a voice during these unprecedented circumstances so you can start taking action on member feedback.

MemberInsight is the optimal platform to start using these templates and gathering member feedback. The company recently announced that their survey functionality is being made available to clubs at no charge for three months.

If you would like to sign up for three free months and no setup fees*, fill out this MemberInsight form or contact Michael Gregory at GGA Partners.

Webinar 4/23: Leverage Surveys to Engage Members During COVID-19



Markham, ON Canada – MemberInsight, a Jonas Club Software company, and the industry-leading member survey platform, announces today that their survey functionality is being made available to clubs at no charge for three months. Together, MemberInsight and GGA Partners, the leading consulting firm to many of the world’s most successful clubs and communities, will also co-host a webinar to discuss the power of member surveys in the time of COVID-19.

“Many clubs send member surveys as a regular part of conducting business.” Said Trevor Coughlan, Vice President of Marketing at Jonas Club Software. “The problem is, many clubs only send them annually, and they think about surveying in a linear fashion – capital & long term planning. I believe surveys relevant to the moment and the action taken as a result of them have the opportunity to invigorate the way members feel about a club and its staff. There is no better time for clubs to be stepping into action than now which is why we are proud to make our platform available at no charge for three months.”

In addition to the special offer, MemberInsight and GGA Partners are co-hosting a one time webinar focusing on how clubs, regardless of their survey platform of choice, can better utilize members surveys during this difficult time. The webinar will be co-hosted by Trevor Kluke and Matt Cooper of Jonas Club Software, and Michael Gregory and Ben Hopkinson of GGA Partners and will take place on Thursday April 23, at 14:00 ET.

“In the current environment staying connected with members is a real challenge, but it’s more important than ever,” explained Michael Gregory, a Partner at GGA Partners. “Surveys are a tool all clubs can be using to stay engaged with their members, to capture important feedback, and to provide a level of comfort to members knowing their club is working hard to come out of this stronger and more capable of meeting their needs, wants and expectations.”

The presentation will cover the MemberInsight feature set, the science behind survey based communications, and specific examples of surveys clubs can put into action as they remain committed to serving their members.

Clubs can take advantage of three months of MemberInsight at no charge by visiting:

The webinar will be held on Thursday April 23, 2020 at 14:00 ET.

Those interested in attending the MemberInsight and GGA Partners co-hosted webinar can register here:

About Jonas Club Software –

Jonas Club Software helps clubs thrive by focusing on the creation of exceptional experiences. These experiences are delivered through industry leading services, integrated applications, innovative technology, and long term partnerships with the clubs we serve.
Over 2,300 clubs in more than 20 countries, with memberships ranging from 20 to 20,000, utilize Jonas Club Software technology. With applications ranging from Accounting to Retail Point of Sale, Tee Time Management, Court & Class Booking, Dining Reservations, websites and Mobile Apps, Jonas Club Software is the standout choice for clubs driven to offer exceptional member experiences.

For more details visit

Media Contact:
Trevor Coughlan
Vice President, Marketing
Jonas Club Software
